
Showing posts from April, 2020

Palm Sunday

Day 20 something of lockdown, watching the news today the deaths from COVID-19 are on the increase. The weather has been great this weekend and I can't believe people insist on gathering in parks and open spaces, despite the rise in deaths and the spread of the virus. The weather brings you out but do what you need, get the exercise, stay away from others and go home and stay there. Before long I fear .GOV will be forced to lock down and stop people going out at all.  It's scary times for everyone, people are dying, the NHS heroes are having to handle these deaths every day and people are dying alone. We gotta stay home to stay safe so people stop dying and we beat it.  When we've beaten it we can all go out and have a great party, there will be a legacy left by this and that will be people knowing one and other and looking out for each other. We're in it together, we've always been in it together, life, that is. Let's see what happens on the other side. We