Mountain Bike Return
Back on the bike after Saturdays Disaster on the South Downs ride for the BHF. Went quite well, didn't get too tired, I suppose the 35 miles on Saturday set me up quite well, I just need to stay on top and get some bigger distances under my belt. I'll try to do the Goring run on Thursday, that's a huge hill in the middle and roughly 20 miles. I need do something, my miles have been so low this year and Saturday saw my second fail on the Mountain bike this year. I was unable to complete Wayfarer and then South Downs. Last time I did the downs I felt fine after some sleep, I handled it really well. My fitness is suffering, I reckon it's down to not doing the training I need, I'll have to watch less Discovery Channel:= :-) Well tonight's ride was Good, Buckleberry then a different way back through the Black Woods by St Mathews. All is good, I'll keep on keeping on. I'm doing the 14 Hills Killer this year as a punishment for being such a sop and not comple