Thought I'd try this again

 From time to time I think about writing more and then something stops me. I began this blog a long time ago with great intentions to record the things I do, for me to read, not you, sorry. But you see I'm that kind of person that doesn't mind rambling away here and sharing. I can only imagine how boring this is to other people. It serves a purpose for me though, writing things down off loads them from my mind. You see what I'm doing here, I'm resoning why I'm typing this out. Just realised I'm typing this and not even looking at the keyboard too, now that's new. I'm a touch typist! Of sorts, backspace seems to feature a lot.

Why start writing again? When I did life was more interesting, the more I did the more I wrote. There are nearly 400 entries on this blog, lots of great memories for me. some not so great memories. There are a number of posts that are not published. I can see why I didn't publish them and don't think that I ever will. They could upset folks, they certainly upset me. Those tell me about more difficult times.

So let's see, what have I been up to and not written out. Too much. Some life changing, life improving, challenging events. I'm not going to write about them all, the detials escape my memory these days. Some of the bigger changes are, I've become a Grand Father, I have three Grand Children with another on the way. Layla May, Reggie and Frankie. The one on route is also a boy and his name today, I don't know, let's call him Spyder, his parents are keepng the real name secret for some unknown reason. It'll probably be Harland as Dad is Man City fan. 

I moved house and now live on the Isle of Wight, this place will certainly feature in my writing at some point, I'm sure. Bikes still feature in my life, I have a new Forza 350 and three push bikes, which are more like ornaments now. I'll share some of these as they need to come out for annual service and clean up. I just ordered a bunch of parts too. 

My work is going well, working from home, enjoying building the internet but things have been a little slow of late, there surely is a recession in the UK, at time of writing there is an up coming election, they say things are on the up but time will tell. All I see is that they're on the up for pensioners, and no one else. Hmm, what else? Moving has taken me away from family, we're still very close but there is a distance there. I wanted it to be a little different with the boys using my house for short breaks away. Number three does but number one doesn't, that doesn't surpise me. Not everyone likes the Island as much as me. What's there to like though about this Island? Loads of pubs, beaches, activities, restaurants, people, country side, it's not for everyone. By that I mean change and breaking out is not for everyone. ;-)

Another thing on my mind of late is the weather. Yes, us Brits love talking about the weather but what is going on? Rain rain and some more rain. It really is a bind, I need to get to grips with it and begin spending more time outside come rain or sunshine. Again that's me telling my self to get a grip and do a bit more other than work and stay in all week living for weekends and the chores they bring. Right, Wifey just got home, time for tea. Let's see how long it will be before I'm back on the Blog. Out!



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